The difference between SEO and PPC

The difference between SEO and PPC The most noticeable difference between SEO and Paid Search is where the results appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). The top four paid search results appear right at the top of the SERP, followed then by the top ten organic (SEO) results. The end of the page has another selection of paid search results. The [...]

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What Are Effective Resources?

Resources can be anything from people and teams to equipment and materials. Who the type of team needed; key responsibilities of each team member; role of each [...]

Why You Should Outsource Content Writing

Outsourcing content writing might seem like a big step, but it could be an excellent opportunity for your business. This article will help you understand the benefits of [...]

Reputation Management

Reputation management should form an important part of any business. After all, it would allow them to perceive the way clients see them or think about the business. It [...]

Boost the SEO of Your WordPress Site

Setting up WordPress sites is easy, properly optimizing them for SEO isn’t. WordPress is decent for SEO out of the box, especially the new versions. But there are still [...]

How Is Reputation Management Different From PR?

Both public relations (PR) and online reputation management have the same goal: portraying the company in the best possible light. The main difference between the two is how [...]

How can content marketing benefit my business?

One reason some companies hesitate to allocate resources to content marketing is it can be difficult to understand the benefits. That is, since content marketing can [...]

What makes great content?

Great content combines multiple elements of the qualities listed below: Relevant and recent: Instead of writing about how to create a great piece of content, write [...]

Is content still King ?

Content marketing is not a new concept in the world of digital marketing, but right now, it is more important than ever before. Content is the king and it is increasingly [...]


The Impact of Positive Customer Experience At this point, it’s no surprise that social media marketing is essential for your business. One of the ways that your business [...]


How Many People Use Social Media? The usage of social media around the world is ever-increasing and is, without a doubt, one of the most popular online activities that [...]