Search Engine Optimization Tips

Here are some very useful tips for your website Search Engine Optimization

  1. Content is king.  Yes, you’ve heard before that content is what search engines like. Well it’s true. Google looks for content (more than 800 words on a page to make it relevant) while Bing and Yahoo seem to be okay with shorter website page articles (they look at the first 400 words on the page).  Either way, make sure that your website pages have good, clear, keyword rich content.  Bold your keywords and be sure to include them at the beginning and end of your page.

  2. Add Alt-tags to your images.  Search engines do not know what your images are, which is why you have to tell them in the alt-tag. When using the new content management system in the admin area for blog posts, mailers, calendar or news stories, if you insert an image there is a field for “Alt-Tag”. This is where you would include your short keyword rich sentence to describe your image. Take it a step further and name the actual image file a keyword. Ex: If you are inserting an image of your hotel, save the file as “Daytona-beach-hotels” and upload it using the alt-tag “Daytona Beach Hotels”. This will let the search engines know what your image is. It also helps the picture show up in Google Image searches.

  3. Name your landing pages using keywords.  Search engines pay attention more to websites with the keywords in their url. Say  your website name is“” and you are trying to rank for search keywords like “Daytona Beach stores”.  Add a page to your website called “daytona-beach-stores” and add related content using your keywords and image with the alt-tags. . You can create this on the fly in the admin area by going to Content>Landing Pages>Add Landing Page. The name field is where you would add your page title.  Once submitted, your website page url will be  (Be sure to add a dash between words so that the search engines will treat them as separate words).

  4. Add meta-tags.  In your admin area, go to Content>Meta-tags to edit your meta-tags. This is how you tell the search engines what each website page is about.  Not sure what meta-tags are? This is also found under the instructions tab in the Meta-tags part of your admin area. You can also edit meta-tags for calendar items, news items, blog posts, and Realtor listings by going to the details of these items.

For more details, please feel free to read more at: Search Engine Optimization