Search Engine Optimization Tips

Our Search Engine Optimization Tips and Strategies category contains information about search engine optimization for websites and blogs. Learn how to get your content found on the web, improve visitor engagement, and increase conversions.

If you work with an Search Engine Optimization company and all they tell you to do is “keep writing great content” they are missing the big picture. If you write on epic post and it generates 10 stellar links that is much more beneficial than 50 blogs posts without any links. Now, if you have a means to promote your blog posts and drive traffic to your site in volume, go for it. For the rest of you, spend 10 times as long promoting a blog as you did writing it.

For those of you who have hired an SEO firm in the past and paid a couple hundred bucks a month for services, times have changed. For many years SEO was driven by cheap tricks and even cheaper outsourced link building. To be a successful SEO firm today you have to be good at PR, content research and development, technical SEO and link building.

As Google evolves in its ability to understand SEO, business owners and SEOs have to evolve as well. In the ongoing battle with spam, Google is exploring ways to identify reals companies versus spam sites and social media is one of the factors being used. Social signals can be faked pretty easily and to combat this, Google is looking at the big picture of brands. Make sure you are branding yourself and your company on every platform you use. Even if it does not make all the difference today, you will be thankful in the near future.

Blog Writing is a great way to keep your site current and useful for customers. Follow trends about your industry and use industry news, changes, and quirks as blog topic ideas. You’ll become a good source of information or opinions, and you can use specific, trending keywords for new pages created by your blog posts.

But Blog Writing, like Social Media Optimization, albeit for different reasons, should not be done (badly) just for the sake of doing it. Google has been ruthlessly cracking down on bad content, and it has been relatively unforgiving for practices such as keyword stuffing.

Basically, if you thought you could just make a bunch of pages for a bunch of keywords, think again; conversely, if you planned to write simple placeholder pieces, relevant but not well thought out, they will still have trouble ranking.